I hate this!
I feel like I'm just writing the same things over and over again...But I guess I am. Ug! I also hate not know what's going on inside my own mind! The thing I hate the most is when your best friend asks you whats wrong and you can't really tell him, because your in love with him and he has a girlfriend...Sorry
It feels like life is so much easier when I restrict...Or even when I cut...
Ya know....I never promised him I wouldn't burn...He'd be so mad/upset if he found out though...And I can't lie to him...
Goodness, I miss PT so much! This blog post is really random and I'm sorry for that..Not like more then like 1 person reads this anyway...It's not being written for other people though...It's a place that can finally be MINE! Call me selfish I don't care at the moment, but when you have as big as a family as I have there isn't much you can call "yours"
It's annoying when you have so much on your mind, but then when you go to focus on one of those things, it's gone.
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